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DIY NoSew FaceMask in 3 Minutes Using 3 Things in Your Home

Writer's picture: Laura Stavlas Laura Stavlas

Updated: May 16, 2020

I don't sew, but you know what, as a teacher, I know how to use my stapler. Yesterday, we created this DIY No Sewing FACE MASK. 3 Minutes. 3 Things you already have at home. It's super easy.

I took my 12-year-old daughter's desire to "save lives" and my mother's genius face mask pattern that she created using her skills from being a retired NYC fashion designer and tweaked it to make this DIY. So get ready and go make your own. Especially share with family that needs it esp now that CDC recommends EVERYONE wear face masks in public places. P.S. God gave me this idea as I was praying and sipping my first cup of coffee--thank you, Jesus. Thanks to my kids for helping me whip this together as part of our school day. Involve your kids in the process of solving real-world problems. This face mask solution is the product of 3 generations working together! As you can see, whether retired, a student or a mom, every person and age can link together and help this situation.

You know what, I was just thinking, Biblical David had a sling shot to defeat Goliath. As a teacher, I have a stapler. My mom and daughter have a sewing machine. God can use the tools we already know and show us how to use them for positive change. Yes, God is crazygood! So what's your tool? Go ask God, and ask him for new ways to use it. And it's okay if for now it's the share button.

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